Ok seriously. I decided a LONG time ago that if you wanna be hard, pretend you're a thug, wanna shoot people, wear a uniform (gang colors ARE a uniform dummy) sell drugs, terrorize people, act a total fool, and actually be useful, you should sign up for the Military of our governemnt. That way, we reduce the amount of fake thugs in our neighborhoods, and maybe, since they'll be in a REAL war, with REAL terrorists and REAL bombs, and not the kids they're used to punking or cops that are off between the hours of 12am and 6 am, they might get a dose of reality and stop thinking this shit is a great idea to sell to other kids.
The gov't should GIVE you a gun and let you roam free in Iraq while protecting, well let's be real, your OWN freedom all while being on payroll. If you want to play dress up we'll even give you a uniform all your own, and you can play in not so simulated combat, like a real man up front and in the face, not a weak ass drive by from the inside of a tinted window. And if getting shot gives you street cred, we can set that up for you too.
Forgive me if I'm being too hard on my local thugs. I just thought the job description matched and I was trying to help.
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