So this actually makes sense. I saw an article about how people are trying to boycott ALL Kelloggs products because they feel it's stupid to drop Michael Phelps' endorsement. I totally agree. So what if he hit a bong. First of all it wasn't a performance enhancing drug. It was on his off time AND he's 22 and was at a college party. Come on. If anything isn't the logic that he should have been slower (unless the conspiracy is true and bud really is GOOD for you... ehem...) Anyway so I'm on the bandwagon. They are trying to force General Mills to pick it up, which could make things interesting. So let's try it (they're all trying to kill us with mercury laced HFCS anyway, so lets make them pick sides in our weed battle). Besides who eats more cereal in th emiddle of the night than us anyway. They should be geggin ALL of us for endorsements.
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