So I just watched the spirit. the only amazing thing about this movie was how it looked. and samuel l jackson. 1. they stole batman music in the beginning. 2. they had a sandra bullock wannabe from demolition man. 3. there was a scene with a french belly dancer and nazis (actually that was pretty good). 4. what was the deal with making jackson sooooooooo BLACK? I didn't know if I should be offended by the first sequence. 5. the mask was stupid looking. 6. no one was acting (except samuel l jackson who was the same character he always is. 7. there was a male mud fight. 8. it was stupid.
this 90:10 rule sucks.
(90% of the good looking things are stupid)
but it looks FUCKING AMAZING.
oh well.
sam's eyeshadow was bangin though.
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