Monday, December 31, 2007

she won't win my vote, but maybe respect

I've been lightly following this case and if Clinton picks it up and challenges it she will get respect from me (something she highly lacks). If you haven't heard about it, s a woman named Jamie Leigh Jones was working in Iraq and was drugged and repeatedly raped andbeaten. She was left in a box for days when finally a soldier felt bad for her and gave her his cell phone to call her dad in the states. Her father called the State Department to have his daughter rescued from, wait for it... Americans. These were employees of Halliburton and it happened in July, 2005. Now my question is where's the press on this? I originally heard about this case on an internet news article. Why do we care that Jaimi Lynn Spears is pregnant, but this woman who has a real issue can't get airplay? By the way, Halliburton lost Jones' paperwork while it was processing.

Anyway Sen. Clinton has called for a probe as a public statement on this. Ok, she gets one brownie point, because this is a feminist issue (not the fake feminism running around the U.S.).