Friday, October 31, 2008

the GRE is such bullshit

First of all its a glorified vocab test. Which is fine, except I don't really know how this measures a person's aptitutde, and I HATE bullshit. I know that the test is a BIG bullshit meter. And when you take it you get the impression that you're getting a snow job. But that's not even my issue today...
WHY is it SO hard to retrieve any information?
First of all you have to pay $12 more dollars on a $140 test just to hear your scores. WTF.
Then, as if I kept the test date and registration number stored somewhere useful like my BlackBerry, I need that to listen in the first place. And if I don't have these things I'm SOL. But if I don't report that last test to my schools (even though I have a second pending...) they'll get mad. So I called the place where I took the test, but they don't answer. I called the GRE hotline, but it's looping about it can't talk to me cuz my SSN is NOT enough information. Why do I have to do this again? All this and i PAID for it. OMG I better find this stupid piece of paper with my scores on it. I wish I had cared a little bit more the last time I looked at it.

just venting.